This Is a Webpage dedicated to World Of Tanks. Player Profile GunMetal_Engineer.. and clan LUGER
Our Clan Profile --Clan LUGER's Recruiting page click here. Clan [LUGER] is recruiting all tiers/Skill levels... if you are currently a player, and would like to be in a clan please feel free to apply... I have allot to say about World of Tanks. i have plenty of youtube videos explaining fixes to the game that could bring allot of us back... you can check them out... specifically my RANTS section. I have over 50,000 battles on the one main account alone. On multiple other accounts, made for recruiter reasons i have thousands more games and hours logged playing... The game is basically in a steap decline! They have had to introduce BOTS into the game just to get matches for lower tier players. This is also a way for CHEATERS to STAT PAD thjeir stats, which is unfair to the rest of us who EARN our stats by playing other humans. Once you realize that, as I have, WOT is yet another dying wargaming game. I like the game enough but I am to the point where it isn't worth my time to get involved in it any farther, • financially through purchases of in-game items: {over 15k spent} • my time - playing it ** I sadly have around $18,000 into all wargaming titles.. and if those games are not fixed in a manor that brings back older players, such as myself, and keep them there... well i feel that World of Tanks will become another victim of WARGAMING's overall money grab, and inability to fix things that the older players, [the ones who financially support them] want.!! Wargaming used to make somewhat historic planes/tanks/ships and made a game that was strategy based and fun to play. - also they implemented tanks from blueprints which i rather enjoyed playing - tanks that could have been.... AS of LATELY, they focus on trying to pry your wallet they've put allot of crap into the game that ruins it. One example that quickly ruined the game was them streamlineing the game play for new players, making it easy to get top tier vehicles [tier X] or multiple tier X tanks in as few as 400 battles. This is hardly the correct amount of battles required to be an effective or skilled player at tier X, which is the top tier. This game as other wargaming titles has become a HALO/ MOH type shoot em up arcade style game. People are content going YOLO into the game, dying and going into another battle, and not doing more in the current game, using skill and strategy to defeat the enemy. Rather they are content to say "Fuck it, XVM calls this a loss" and moving on to the next game. They are contenplating crew 2.0 which essencially takes the crews i have ground/ earned over the last 9 years, and made it so 'they decide' what my crews 'should be' and reduce them so its 'fair' to new players with 'less experecned crews' at the same time they will offer players of all skills, and progress in the game, the oppertunity to PAY them for crews that have XX skills or perks... they have been doing it to us more and more as the years go by, its basically already a given that during some event or with the purchase of a special tank you can obtain a crew fully trained in BIA, and maybe an additional perk ready to go.. [christmas crews, battle pass etc... ] this cheats us who have earned good crews in a big way. It allows new players who have no or low skills to keep up with us who have worked tirelessly on our crews over perhaps as many as 10+ years. ** this is only one example of many ways this game has gone to the shitter * People who have been with this game will tell you the game has lost allot of what made it a great game even 5 years ago. I see a future for this game that makes it extinct and no one plays it anymore, and the money i spent just goes away with the click of a server being shut down. They need to fix this, They need to talk to people who have been with the game long periods of time, don't listen to the new people that down load it, get pissed they cant be on top tier in their 1st hundred games. bring the game back to a game you have to grind through many vehicles, earn your experence, learn how the game is played, learn how to hit vehicles in soft spots, learn the game, the maps.. dont expect to have 5 skill crews like i have - when I've played 50k battles... This game as with others on the NA server, are basically extinct On that note: If the game becomes viable once again I will most likely come back to it, but for now, its a dying game, that I don't want to play much. if you are still here..... feel free to keep reading: Tanks: NA My Player Profile on WOT ---- Wot labs Stats ---- Tomato.gg Stats ----- tanks.gg stats ----- * According to the stats, I am maybe an average player... When I started WOT on 25 March 2013, I had a strategy of play all your tier 1 tanks, Elite them, then play all your tier 2 tanks, Elite them, and so on and so fourth... I honestly don't think I dealt much damage in the first hundred matches, and very low kills to boot. Back in those days there were only 5 nations in the tech tree, USA, Germany, UK, USSR, and French... -- there was no Czech, China, Japan, Poland, Sweden, or Italy. Low damage back then, and high number of battles now 50,000, makes for an account that doesn't move much stat wise, but the influx of new players with low skill, is prooving to make game play on NA server [WOT] rough as of lately... I have a tank count on my Stream !tanks I have a Known Codes - game codes - on my Stream !Code My Twitch link is www.twitch.tv/gunmetalengineer Tanks Owned Here Medals I know I had but have been removed Here World Of Tanks EU: Of the servers which are not NA this has the most tanks. Stats here WOT WOWS here I rarely [but do] stream EU, Problem is I am back to grinding shit tanks, and frankly grinding does not appeal to me at all... I no longer have to on my Main, so why do it anywhere? :) World of Tanks RU: I have very few games on RU, If any - I got it to proove to idiots that they were being lied to, "On RU they still have the waffentragger E-100" - Yeah BULLSHIT Stats HERE WOT Stats WOWP World Of Tanks: ASIA WOT stats WOWP stats Premuim Shop - Main Page - Wiki WOT page - Vehicles: USSR - Germany - USA - France - China - British - Japan - Premium Tanks - Helpful Things: Crew - Equipment - Tactics - Player Profiles: Noob Meter - Wot Stats - Informational sights: Camo Rating Calculator - Brawling Tips - Tips - New bullshit policy chat bans, and more ways they will finally get me out of the game 4ever HERE
Gme's "Mousing around" My quick guide to using cover/Concealment. My topography mission run throughs. [click pic] What I know about WOT topics [Camo, seal clubbing Etc] |